
NVESONS Paper Mill : With one vision driving us we at NVESONS Paper Mill only believe in sustainable & quality packaging and for that we cater Quality Paper.

An interview from Mr.Karan Khanna, Director, NVESONS Paper Mill.

Paper Desk : Could you brief us about NVESONS Paper Mill?

Karan Khanna : Incorporated in 2017, NVESONS Group is a diversified group catering to the needs of many through its different endeavours. The group has its head office in Dholpur, Rajasthan and second office in Agra. Our working is based on our Motto, “ Eat Fresh, Use Quality, Live Healthy”.

PD : What is the vision of NVESONS Paper Mill?

KK : “Quality Paper Equals Quality Packaging”, with one vision driving us we believe in sustainable & Quality Packaging and for that we cater Quality Paper.

Our focus on Quality goes beyond our products, it extends to customer service, our sales effort, our delivery process, our scheduled dispatch commitment and the quality of our facility. This is our culture, focus & principles and we extend the same values to our employees.

PD : What are all the papers you manufacture?

KK : We make Kraft Paper with focus on Fluting Grade, 100 to 140 GSM with BF ranging from 18 to 20 BF with Golden Yellow Colour Paper available in all variants.

“We are committed to promoting our business globally developing new product line so as to meet existing and future demands”

PD : What kind of raw materials (such as recycled) do you use to produce your papers?

KK : We have controlled buying recycled waste. As we have to maintain our quality, we have multiple sources with Corrugating Factories, OCC Warehouses and Imported Materials.

PD : How do you control the odour in your papers?

KK : Since i have joined the paper industry I have learned only one thing, ‘Whatever you feed the Pulper, the same you will get at Pope Reel’. So we just don’t buy impure material and we are very strict in our inspection procedures.

We have ETP and Heel Screens in our system but our major focus stays in procurement of Raw Material.

PD : What is the maximum deckle and other specs like shades, GSM & BF you can manufacture up to?

KK : We manufacture 100 to 140 GSM with BF ranging from 18 to 20 BF with Golden Yellow Colour Paper available in all variants. Maximum Finish Deckle : 400 cms.

PD : What about your manufacturing facilities?.

KK : We have a Single Wire Machine with Finish Deckle of 400 cms. We cater maximum material to Automatic Corrugating Units as we cater them with Runnable Quality Paper to match their High Speed Machines to maximise productivity.

PD : What are all the conditions of raw materials availability and do you have the same sufficient supply from the market?

KK : There is sufficient supply but if you want to procure quality material you have to work and fight for it. At times we pay more than the market to procure as we cannot give a non quality paper.

“We have focused on our Raw Material Procurement so as to procure good quality of material on a consistent basis without any interruption”

PD : How is the current pricing scenario in India for the papers you produce?

KK : Rather than pricing, Stability is key. Prices are fluctuating all the time. With Stable prices we can concentrate on productivity, research and development. Indian Packaging Market is a growing market.

Maximum Corrugators have Low Speed Manual Machines, how can you compete at a Global Scale with that set up? We need Quality High Speed Machines and for that we need Quality Paper.

PD : What is the market demand now and any suggestion to make it more & consistent demand for kraft papers?

KK : There is Demand but its slow. Some reasons for that are, Slow Export Market, Recession, etc. Market sentiment is a major factor.

The rising price gap between Quality and Non Quality paper creates an effect. There are 5 fingers to the paper industry.

  1. Waste Godown
  2. Waste Dealer
  3. Paper Mill
  4. Paper Dealer
  5. Corrugator

Currently these 5 fingers are open and separated like a hand, imagine what they can do for the industry if they become a FIST.

PD : How important is QC for a paper manufacturing company and how do you assure the quality of your products you produce?

KK : QC is the most essential part for creating Quality Paper. We have inspection system installed after every process and they are synchronised with Human and Mechanical interfaces.

PD : Could you explain us about your environment management policies?

KK : NVESONS Paper Mill is committed towards working its business in sync with the world’s need for a clean environment.We have a comprehensive environment management policy, which is practiced across all our campuses. We manufacture Paper using 100% Recyclable Pulp as our Raw Material. We have a comprehensive waste management system with committed green production methods.

PD : Any Industry barriers you face in Indian Market ?

KK : No industry is without challenges and hurdles. Competition is key and how you perceive that competition plays major roll in growth. Our mentality is to work in a way that sets us apart from other Mills and competition drives us towards better work and challenges us to make a better finish product.

“Export Market, Recession, etc. Market sentiment is a major factor”

PD : What are your other business in the group?

KK : NVESONS Group currently is working in three industries, Cold Storage, Paper Mill and Oil Mill.

Our Cold Storage has the capacity of 10,000 Metric Tons and is equipped with temperature technology that can be adjusted for 147 products like Pulses, Spices, Fruits, Flowers, Crops, Vegetables, etc.

We are making Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Oils in our Oil Mill (BAGWANI, you can check Instagram) with applications as Edible Oils and Beauty Oils.

Our view for future is to stand a link between our works. With a vision of “ Eat Fresh, Use Quality, Live Healthy”, we want to strive for a better future.

PD : Being a paper manufacturer, what is your advice to the Industry to make the paper sustainable?

KK : Please make Quality Paper and help India stand out on a Global Scale. Together we can do it and reach that scale easily.

PD : How do you see the growth of Indian paper industry in future?

KK : I see Positive Growth with government keen on Banning Plastic and new products are being developed daily from paper, so i am positive for Indian Paper Industry.

PD : What is your contribution to the society?

KK : “ Eat Fresh, Use Quality, Live Healthy”

As i said earlier that our industrial view is towards a better society, keeping that in mind we have taken steps of providing Fresh Food, manufacture quality material and provide a healthy life style.

PD : Any special achievements by your mill?

KK : We were presented with Top 10 Paper Mills of India for 2023 from Industry Outlook.

“With a wide range of products and competitive pricing, we have secured our presence at Pan India through a dealer network or on a direct basis”

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